Title: Sony Updates Its Bass-Fanatic XB Headphones Line With Three New Models Post by: HCK on October 03, 2012, 03:00:03 am Sony Updates Its Bass-Fanatic XB Headphones Line With Three New Models
There isn’t anyone with a model catalog quite like Sony (how the hell do they keep track of these things?). The company has just refreshed their line of midpriced, bass-heavy MDR-XB headphones with three new models, replacing four previous ones. The three new models, the XB800 ($150), XB600 ($100) and XB400 ($60), all follow Sony’s [...]Related StoriesThese Phiaton Moderna Earphones Will Make Your iPhone 5 Look Even Sexier [Review]Former Apple Employee Reveals More Details On Click-Wheel iPhone Apple Never ReleasedBrian Eno Music App Turns You Into Another Brian Eno [Review]Lockitron Wants To Replace Your House Keys With Your iPhone 5Get Ready For The Penultimate Walking Dead The Game Episode With This Creepy Trailer http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/oFJFnZL_Jm4/story01.htm |