Title: Apple Ordered to Alter Website Statement Acknowledging Samsung Galaxy Tab Did Not Infringe on iPad Design Post by: HCK on November 04, 2012, 03:00:34 am Apple Ordered to Alter Website Statement Acknowledging Samsung Galaxy Tab Did Not Infringe on iPad Design
Last week, Apple posted a statement on its UK website acknowledging that Samsung had not infringed upon the protected design of the iPad, in line with a court order following the trial. But Apple took the opportunity to playfully quote statements from the judge's ruling saying that the Samsung Galaxy Tab was "not as cool" as the iPad and note that it had won cases against Samsung in other jurisdictions. Bloomberg now reports, however, that Apple's version of the statement is not in line with the intent of the order, which was to present a simple reference to the court decision ruling against Apple. The court has requested that Apple alter its website statement within two days, but Apple claims that alterations could take up to two weeks.“I’m at a loss that a company such as Apple would do this,” Judge Robin Jacob said today. “That is a plain breach of the order.” [...] The court’s initial order to post a notice was designed to correct the impression that the South Korean company was copying Apple’s product. Apple’s post, criticized by judges today, inserted four paragraphs including excerpts of the original “cool” ruling and details of similar German lawsuits that the court today said weren’t true.The original court ruling required that Apple keep the acknowledgement linked on its website for one month and to purchase advertisements in a number of newspapers and magazines to publicly make the same admission. Those advertisements have, however, yet to appear. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Numerous iCloud Services Down for Up to 8% of Users • Apple Preparing to Begin Testing of OS X 10.8.3 • Apple Begins Selling the Nike+ FuelBand in Stores and Online • 'Paper' Introduces New Color Mixing Feature and Support for Touch-Sensitive Stylus • Popular To-Do App 'Clear' Coming to Mac With iCloud Syncing http://www.macrumors.com/2012/11/01/apple-ordered-to-alter-website-statement-acknowledging-samsung-galaxy-tab-did-not-infringe-on-ipad-design/ |