Title: Remains of the Day: Delicate negotiations Post by: HCK on January 08, 2013, 03:00:59 am Remains of the Day: Delicate negotiations
Figuring out who will head up Apple’s retail operations feels a bit like a reality show. Elsewhere, Microsoft would like to report a theft and Eric Schmidt is—dear god—on a humanitarian mission. The first remainders of the year once were lost, and now are found. Apple Can’t Afford Buyer’s Remorse With Next Retail Hire (AllThingsD) John Paczkowski has assembled a list of 8 people who could be positioned to fill the shoes of Apple’s recently departed retail head, John Browett, including several internal candidates. I hear that kid from the Genius ads is looking for a gig. Microsoft’s iPads stolen (Google+) To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2023958/remains-010713.html |