Title: John Sculley: Apple Must Overhaul Its Supply Chain To Make The iPhone Cheaper Post by: HCK on January 15, 2013, 07:00:05 pm John Sculley: Apple Must Overhaul Its Supply Chain To Make The iPhone Cheaper
Apple must overhaul its supply chain in a bid to make its iPhone cheaper and meet the demand of low-cost smartphones in emerging markets, according to former CEO John Sculley. The Cupertino company has enjoyed plenty of success with the device in the United States and Europe, but Sculley feels that going forward, Apple will [...]Related StoriesiPhone 5 Demand Is Doing Just Fine, Don’t Worry About The Supply Cuts [Analyst]Apple Wins Patent For Glass-On-Metal TrackpadsThis Is What Game Center Should Look Like In iOS 7 [Concept]Your Long Fingernails Can Now Be Transformed Into Touchscreen StylusesRussian Railways Sues Apple Over Trademark Infringement http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/XThniQdzQqk/story01.htm |