Title: Famed Apple Columnist Andy Ihnatko Abandons Ship For Android Post by: HCK on March 05, 2013, 11:00:04 pm Famed Apple Columnist Andy Ihnatko Abandons Ship For Android
If you’re an Apple fanboy that reads a lot of tech websites, you may have come across the name Andy Ihnatko before. Andy’s been a hardcore Apple fanboy for years. He’s got a column at the Chicago Sun Times and Macworld, and he’s on a popular Apple podcast almost weekly. Sadly, Andy’s decided that his [...]Related StoriesHow To Stop Google Chrome From Crashing On Your Jailbroken iPhone [Jailbreak]Upcoming Tweak Brings A Do Not Disturb Toggle To Your Lock Screen [Jailbreak]Google To Take On Spotify With YouTube Music Streaming Service [Rumor]Beam New Sounds To The Flashback Guitar Pedal With Your Mac Or iOS Device [Review]Saurik Doesn’t Have Much Control Over Cydia And That’s A Good Thing http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/AsXWZjNH3b4/story01.htm |