Title: Apple leads consumer cloud storage wars Post by: HCK on March 21, 2013, 11:01:05 pm Apple leads consumer cloud storage wars
Apple is the leading consumer cloud storage provider, beating out Dropbox, Amazon, and Google according to a new survey. The survey of 2,300 consumers who regularly use the Internet was conducted in October by research firm Strategy Analytics. It found that 27% of consumers have used Apple's iCloud followed by 17% for Dropbox, 15% for Amazon Cloud Drive, and 10% for Google Drive. Top consumer cloud storage providers The survey results also indicated that more than half of Americans online (55% of those surveyed) have never used a cloud storage service. Among consumers who have used one, one third (33%) had done so in the past week. Not surprisingly, the use of consumer cloud storage is heavily skewed toward younger people, in particular 20-24 year olds, while Apple's service is the only one with more female than male users, the survey showed. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9237792/Apple_leads_consumer_cloud_storage_wars#tk.rss_all |