Title: Apple Nicknamed “Poison Apple” By Suppliers As iPhone Demand Becomes Unpredictable Post by: HCK on April 22, 2013, 03:00:04 pm Apple Nicknamed “Poison Apple” By Suppliers As iPhone Demand Becomes Unpredictable
Apple’s hard-to-meet high standards and its low price expectations have earned it the nickname “Poison Apple” with Asian suppliers, who say they are feeling the affects of decreasing demand of the iPhone. Several have told Reuters that they are trying to reduce their reliance on Apple amid increasing competition from companies like Samsung. Suppliers have [...]Related StoriesiPhone WhistleCase: You Can Guess What It DoesApple Donates $8 Million To Sichuan Earthquake VictimsTweetDeck To Be Pulled From Android & iOS On May 7Purported iPad 5 Rear Shell Shows Off New Form Factor [Image]Foxconn Could Take Up To $1.6B Hit As Apple Rejects 5-8 Million Defective iPhones [Report] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/MWE3nKLRNns/story01.htm |