Title: The mysterious address-less Address Panel Post by: HCK on April 22, 2013, 03:01:10 pm The mysterious address-less Address Panel
Reader Pete Curry has come thiiis close to stumping Mac 911 with a question concerning contacts and Calendar. He writes: I read your recent Mac 101 column, Introduction to Calendar, and it reminded me to ask a question that’s been bugging me for awhile. I want to use Calendar’s Address Panel to add invitees but when I open it, it doesn’t show me my contacts. What’s happening? Yep, Address Panel is confounding. You’re frankly better off choosing Window > Contacts and inviting people by dragging contacts from the Contacts application to the Invitees field. But here’s what’s happening. The addresses stored in Contacts will appear in the Address Panel window only if you’ve created a local calendar (and chosen that calendar for your event). What helps make this confusing is that if you’ve created an iCloud account, launch Calendar, and then choose File > New Calendar, you’ll discover that your only option is to create an iCloud calendar. This makes sense in a world where we want to sync our events across computers and devices. But what if you don’t want to? To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2036009/the-mysterious-address-less-address-panel.html#tk.rss_all |