Title: Remains of the Day: Spaceward ho! Post by: HCK on April 26, 2013, 07:01:10 am Remains of the Day: Spaceward ho!
Part of Apple’s campus is delayed until after a spaceship launch, iTunes sales aren’t on the grow, and German iPhone users may once again be notified of their email schnell! The remainders for Thursday, April 25, 2013 speak a dozen languages, know every local custom—they’ll blend in, disappear, you'll never see them again. Apple Campus 2: Project Description (Apple) Apple’s updated the plans for its “spaceship” campus, adding information about parking, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and public art. But it also signals the delay of building the so-called “Tantau Development,” a series of buildings on the edge of the campus, until after the main building is opened. Perhaps most interesting of all is Apple’s report that its current campus contains 4,506 trees. So, well, at least we know what they’ve got Scott Forstall doing until he’s free to leave. iTunes Sales Are Huge! But Growth May Be Slowing. (AllThingsD) To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2036409/remains-042513.html#tk.rss_all |