Title: Google Glass = Jailbroken Post by: HCK on April 27, 2013, 07:00:04 am Google Glass = Jailbroken
That didn’t take long. Google Glass won’t be available to the general public for at least a year, and it’s already been hacked. For Apple’s iOS, “jailbreaking” refers to essentially rooting the OS to gain complete access. Developers can then use that access to create system-level tweaks that Apple won’t let in the App Store. [...]Related StoriesSmartphones Out-Shipped Feature Phones For The First Time Ever In Q1 2013 [Report]Swype VP Confirms Talks With AppleAndroid May Be King, But User Loyalty Will Help iOS Steal Its Crown [Report]Which Has The Better Display? Samsung Galaxy S4 Or iPhone 5? [Fight!]iOS And Android App Ads Can Reach A Huge, If Fragmented, Audience [Study] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/33pBEgtbTEk/story01.htm |