Title: Hands on with Chrome for iOS's new voice search Post by: HCK on June 04, 2013, 03:01:13 am Hands on with Chrome for iOS's new voice search
With all the voice-related features offered by our mobile devices, it’s a wonder they haven’t yet developed multiple personalities. The latest entrant in the category is Google Chrome for iOS, which on Monday was updated with improved voice search. If you’re a regular Chrome for iOS user, you’ll know that Google’s browser has long had a voice search feature that allows you to speak your search terms aloud instead of typing them in. However, the new version of the app incorporates the voice search feature used in the Google Search app for iOS, as well as more recently in the Chrome browser on Mac and PC. Google announced last month during its I/O developer conference that it would be bringing its voice search to all the platforms it supports. Chrome's old voice search (left) and the new, more prominent button (right). Some of the improvements in the new voice search are largely cosmetic: Instead of the old-style dialog boxes that showed “Speak Now” and “Working,” you’ll instead see a screen where your words are interpreted in real time. The Google voice search button in the iPhone version is now more prominent, occupying a bar above the keyboard instead of a tiny microphone icon in the search/URL text field. Performance-wise, Google’s speech recognition is pretty accurate and it’s usually faster than iOS’s own built-in voice search service, Siri—for Internet search queries, anyway. Of course, unlike Siri, Google’s voice search can’t carry out tasks on your phone like reading you your messages, making notes, or tweeting for you. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2040650/hands-on-with-chrome-for-ioss-new-voice-search.html#tk.rss_all |