Title: Apple Begins Offering In-Store iPhone 5 Display Replacements for $149 Post by: HCK on June 04, 2013, 11:00:36 am Apple Begins Offering In-Store iPhone 5 Display Replacements for $149
As part of a shift to lower repair costs, Apple has begun replacing iPhone 5 screens at its retail locations. The new display replacement service is priced at $149 and can be purchased with or without AppleCare+. Changes to Apple's repair policies first surfaced last month, where a town hall session revealed that Apple would begin in-house repairs of displays in June in an effort to save approximately $1 billion per year. MacRumors heard from a tipster this morning that the new repair policy had been implemented and the changes have since been confirmed in a forum post from iPhone repair site Quick iFix. The repairs are available for cracked displays as well as screens that experience multitouch issues. Quick iFix notes that Apple's $149 repair cost is competitive, causing the site to change its own repair costs. Quick iFix charged $174.99 for a display replacement in early May, but began offering repairs for $139.99 a few days later. Apple's new display repairs are in line with AppleCare+ pricing, which costs $99 up front and then $49 for each replacement. The repair service is a more affordable alternative for iPhone users who opted not to purchase AppleCare+, as iPhone replacement previously cost $229. Apple is expected to roll out additional in-house repair options in July, offering repairs of the iPhone's camera, sleep/wake buttons, and logic boards. Additional changes to AppleCare are also reportedly in the works, with Apple rumored to be switching to a subscription based plan tied to customers rather than individual devices. (Thanks, Paul!) Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Google Chrome for iOS Updated with Voice Search, Faster Page Reloading • Plants vs. Zombies 2 to Launch on July 18 For Free • Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks on Leadership at Duke University • Chicago Sun-Times Fires Photo Staff, Will Train Reporters to Use iPhones For Photos • Apple Ends OS X 10.8.4 Beta Testing Program, Suggesting Imminent Release • Apple Updates Service Tech Training and Certification Program • Camino Browser for Mac Officially Discontinued • Apple's Dashboard Widget Download Site for OS X Broken http://www.macrumors.com/2013/06/03/apple-begins-offering-in-store-iphone-5-display-replacements-for-149/ |