Title: Apple awarded NFC-based cross-platform data transfer solution Post by: HCK on June 04, 2013, 11:01:11 am Apple awarded NFC-based cross-platform data transfer solution
The US Patent and Trademark Office on Tuesday issued Apple a patent for a system that utilizes near field communications to activate device-to-device data syncing, much like the so-called "S Beam" feature found on certain Samsung Galaxy smartphones. http://appleinsider.com.feedsportal.com/c/33975/f/617028/s/2ccfdf9f/l/0Lappleinsider0N0Carticles0C130C0A60C0A40Capple0Eawarded0Enfc0Ebased0Ecross0Eplatform0Edata0Etransfer0Esolution/story01.htm |