Title: Galaxy S4 tops sales at Verizon, Sprint & T-Mobile stores; Apple's iPhone 5 leads at AT&T Post by: HCK on June 06, 2013, 03:01:18 am Galaxy S4 tops sales at Verizon, Sprint & T-Mobile stores; Apple's iPhone 5 leads at AT&T
While Samsung's latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4, unsurprisingly took the top spot at three of the four major U.S. carriers' stores in the month of May, Apple's eight-month-old iPhone 5 still remained the most popular smartphone at AT&T retail. http://appleinsider.com.feedsportal.com/c/33975/f/617028/s/2ce4280e/l/0Lappleinsider0N0Carticles0C130C0A60C0A50Cgalaxy0Es40Etops0Esales0Eat0Everizon0Esprint0Et0Emobile0Estores0Eapples0Eiphone0E50Eleads0Eat0Eatt/story01.htm |