Title: IDC gives Apple 9% of Chinese smartphone market, double the prevailing growth rate Post by: HCK on June 20, 2013, 07:01:18 am IDC gives Apple 9% of Chinese smartphone market, double the prevailing growth rate
IDC has ranked Apple the fifth largest smartphone vendor in China, assigning it a 9 percent share of the 78 million smartphones sold in Q1. While the market grew by 117 percent, Apple's sales of the entry level iPhone 4 grew by 211 percent, the firm noted. http://appleinsider.com.feedsportal.com/c/33975/f/617028/s/2d866e49/l/0Lappleinsider0N0Carticles0C130C0A60C190Cidc0Egives0Eapple0E90Eof0Echinese0Esmartphone0Emarket0Edouble0Ethe0Eprevailing0Egrowth0Erate/story01.htm |