Title: LG Shipments Indicate Retina iPad Mini Could Arrive As Early As October Post by: HCK on July 19, 2013, 07:00:45 am LG Shipments Indicate Retina iPad Mini Could Arrive As Early As October
Over the past couple of months, there have been multiple reports indicating that Apple may be delaying its rumored Retina iPad mini until early 2014, with Taiwan's Economic Daily News citing Retina panel shortages as the primary reason. DigiTimes now reports that LG Display has made some progress with its production of iPad mini Retina panels and is expected to ship them later this year.The sources also added that LG is reportedly making new headway in producing Retina panel technology for use in the next-generation iPad mini, and expects to ship about 2-3 million units a month in preparation for Apple's expected October release dateThe new claims are in stark contrast to a DigiTimes' report from earlier this week, which stated that an upgraded Mini would ship in late 2013, while the Retina iPad mini would not ship until 2014. NPD DisplaySearch analysts have also published similar reports suggesting two separate Mini refreshes, but have |