Title: Low-Cost iPhone and iPad 5 to Ship in Early September with iPhone 5S Coming Later, No Retina iPad mini in 2013? Post by: HCK on July 22, 2013, 11:00:44 pm Low-Cost iPhone and iPad 5 to Ship in Early September with iPhone 5S Coming Later, No Retina iPad mini in 2013?
According to a new report from KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, production difficulties will cause Apple’s iPhone 5S to ship slightly later than expected towards the end of September, with supplies constrained until October or November.We believe iPhone 5S will experience production difficulties among numerous components as well as assembly, as seen with iPhone 5 last year. The model will thus be available only in limited amounts following launch. We expect undersupply to improve in October or November.Kuo believes that Apple’s low cost iPhone, which will be priced between $450 and $550, will launch somewhat earlier, likely towards the beginning of September alongside the fifth generation iPad. The next iPad, said to feature a slimmer, iPad-mini style redesign, will be the only iPad released in 2013. Kuo suggests that there will be no iPad mini release in 2013, despite reports that Apple might release a slightly upgraded non-Retina version.Judging by the production status of low-cost iPad mini model, we estimate shipments can only launch in December at the earliest. For the sake of gross profit, the model may not be much cheaper than current iPad mini, which means less appeal to consumers. As such, we think Apple is unlikely to launch the product this year.Instead, because of the higher energy demand of a Retina display and limited battery capacity, Kuo predicts that the Retina iPad mini will not make an appearance until March or April of 2014. Finally, Kuo believes that the Haswell Retina MacBook Pro will launch in mid-September while an upgraded iMac will launch in late August. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • iPhone-Enabled Home Security System 'Canary' Offers HD Camera, Environmental Sensors and More • Apple's Developer Center Experiences Daylong Outage • Rovio Expands 'Accounts' Cross-Device Game Progress Syncing to Original 'Angry Birds' • Evernote Updates iOS App With Shortcuts, Related Notes and Skitch Support • Official 'Firefly' Game Coming to iOS in 2014 • Best Buy Discounts 13-inch MacBook Pros by $200 for Back-to-School Promotion • New York Times Developing Gesture-Based News App for Leap Motion • Verizon Officially Announces 'Edge' Frequent Device Upgrade Program http://www.macrumors.com/2013/07/22/low-cost-iphone-and-ipad-5-to-ship-in-early-september-with-iphone-5s-to-coming-later-no-retina-ipad-mini-in-2014/ |