Title: Smart Concept: iPhone Bumper Case Doubles As Charging Cable Post by: HCK on July 23, 2013, 03:00:07 pm Smart Concept: iPhone Bumper Case Doubles As Charging Cable
Juice Up is a super-smart concept design with one big flaw: it relies on the kindness of strangers to actually work. Still, with a little modification it could be just about the best bumper you could buy. The Juice Up is a flat, silicone-covered Lightning cable which wraps around the iPhone 5. It is simultaneously [...]The post Smart Concept: iPhone Bumper Case Doubles As Charging Cable appeared first on Cult of Mac.Related StoriesBrolly, The Umbrella That Lets You Text In The RainThink You Can Do Better Than Jony? Then Redesign iOS7 YourselfPath Update Lets You Hide Friend Progress Bar, Brings New Stickers & FiltersEmber, The Digital Scrapbook For Your Mac From Realmac Software, Is Available NowBest Buy Is Offering $200 Gift Cards For Your Old iPad Again http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/NjbP6csEFWE/story01.htm |