Title: Samsung co-CEO pushes Tizen OS as more than a 'simple alternative for Android' Post by: HCK on August 06, 2013, 03:01:42 pm Samsung co-CEO pushes Tizen OS as more than a 'simple alternative for Android'
As Samsung looks to lessen its reliance on Google's Android platform, the company views its own custom Tizen operating system as a viable alternative that could power the company's future flagship smartphones. http://appleinsider.com.feedsportal.com/c/33975/f/617028/s/2f9f69c5/sc/15/l/0Lappleinsider0N0Carticles0C130C0A80C0A60Csamsung0Eco0Eceo0Epushes0Etizen0Eos0Eas0Emore0Ethan0Ea0Esimple0Ealternative0Efor0Eandroid/story01.htm |