Title: Cleaning up an ebook library with Calibre Post by: HCK on August 12, 2013, 03:01:26 pm Cleaning up an ebook library with Calibre
Reader Susan Erich seeks a bit of organization in her literature. She writes: I’ve downloaded hundreds of free ebooks in a variety of formats and I need help organizing them. Some, I guess, are meant for a Kindle and others can be read on my iPad. I think there are duplicate titles and some of the author information is incorrect. Is there an easy way to sort these things out? I was completely with you until you mentioned “easy.” Separating ebook types is a cinch, locating and deleting duplicates isn’t terribly difficult, but when you talk about tidying up title and author information (which relies on the book’s metadata) you could be looking at a long and tedious process. But let’s hope for the best and run through the steps. Organizing your books There are multiple ways to organize ebooks. Some people are concerned only with placing their Kindle-compatible files (with the .mobi extension) in one folder and their iBooks-compatible files (epub files) in another. You can do this with a couple of smart folders. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here http://www.macworld.com/article/2046381/cleaning-up-an-ebook-library-with-calibre.html#tk.rss_all |