Title: Apple to Release Thinner Fifth-Generation iPad and Retina iPad Mini in Last Three Months of 2013 Post by: HCK on August 14, 2013, 07:00:41 am Apple to Release Thinner Fifth-Generation iPad and Retina iPad Mini in Last Three Months of 2013
As parts leaks have suggested, Bloomberg reports that Apple will release a thinner full-sized iPad in the final three months of this year -- this would suggest that the iPad would be released at a separate media event from the one supposedly scheduled for September 10th when the next iPhone is expected to be released. Bloomberg also says Apple will release a Retina-equipped iPad mini in the same time-frame, similar to previous reports. Mockup of fifth-generation iPad next to iPad miniApple Inc. is preparing to introduce a new version of the iPad with a thinner design, people familiar with the plans said, as the company works to stay atop the increasingly crowded tablet-computer market. Apple also plans to introduce a new iPad mini, the first with a high-resolution screen, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the development is private. The new iPad models are set to be introduced in the last three months of the year, one of the people said.The new full-sized iPad is expected to have a thinner screen bezel like the existing iPad mini, while the new mini is not expected to have any significant design changes. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Apple Expands Third-Party USB Charger 'Takeback Program' Beyond U.S. and China • Facebook Adds Hashtag Searching, OpenTable Restaurant Reservations to iOS App • Skype Adds HD Video Calling to iPhone and iPad Apps • iPhone 5S Production Reportedly Limited to 3-4 Million Units in Q3 2013 Due to Fingerprint Sensor Shortages • Chinese Woman Suffers Eye Injuries After iPhone 5 Explodes • Twitch for iOS Updated with 750 Live Channels, Redesigned Chat Interface • Pixar Founder John Lasseter Accepts Steve Jobs' Disney Legends Award in Emotional Speech • AT&T Cuts Pricing on 'AT&T Next' Smartphone Upgrade Program, iPhone Now $1/Year Cheaper Than Verizon http://www.macrumors.com/2013/08/12/apple-to-release-thinner-fifth-generation-ipad-and-retina-ipad-mini-in-last-three-months-of-2013/ |