Title: You’ll Never Guess How The Unusual Vaavud Wind Meter Wirelessly Connects To Your Phone Post by: HCK on August 15, 2013, 07:00:05 am You’ll Never Guess How The Unusual Vaavud Wind Meter Wirelessly Connects To Your Phone
Even without taking into account the unique, astonishing way it wirelessly connects with a smartphone, the Vaavud wind meter is pretty neat little gadget. It will measure wind speeds up to 25 meters/second (the Vaavud is Danish, hence the metric measurements and strange name), can share recorded data with the world through its free [...]The post You’ll Never Guess How The Unusual Vaavud Wind Meter Wirelessly Connects To Your Phone appeared first on Cult of Mac.Related StoriesIs This Proof The iPhone 5S Will Come In White & Gold? [Update: Nope]‘Plants Vs Zombies 2′ Finally Coming To The App Store TomorrowApple Gives iCloud.com Beta A Complete iOS 7 Redesign [Gallery]Dismiss Notifications Quickly And Easily In iOS 7 Beta [iOS Tips]Sphero 2.0 Gets Upgraded With Twice As Much Speed And Brighter Lights http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/5LsS5cBZ42c/story01.htm |