Title: Dismiss Notifications Quickly And Easily In iOS 7 Beta [iOS Tips] Post by: HCK on August 15, 2013, 03:00:07 pm Dismiss Notifications Quickly And Easily In iOS 7 Beta [iOS Tips]
Notifications in iOS 6 can be annoying, for sure. To dismiss them takes some funky gestures, which we tipped you on a while back. In iOS 7, however, notifications look different, and — thankfully — are a little easier to dismiss. Here’s how it works. When a notification drops down on your iPhone or iPad [...]The post Dismiss Notifications Quickly And Easily In iOS 7 Beta [iOS Tips] appeared first on Cult of Mac.Related Stories‘Plants Vs Zombies 2′ Finally Coming To The App Store TomorrowApple Gives iCloud.com Beta A Complete iOS 7 Redesign [Gallery]Sphero 2.0 Gets Upgraded With Twice As Much Speed And Brighter LightsDrync App Can Recognize Wine Labels When You’re Bloo Totto [Daily Freebie]You’ll Never Guess How The Unusual Vaavud Wind Meter Wirelessly Connects To Your Phone http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/6GZUZf58xok/story01.htm |