Title: Majesco’s Romans From Mars Takes A Humorous Approach To Castle Defense [PAX 2013] Post by: HCK on September 01, 2013, 11:00:05 pm Majesco’s Romans From Mars Takes A Humorous Approach To Castle Defense [PAX 2013]
SEATTLE, PAX 2013 – We sat down with Majesco’s Vince Vanasin today to take a look at the upcoming iOS game, Romans from Mars, a castle defense game with a sense of whimsy. The idea here is that the Martians are coming to storm your castle, and you’ve only got a crossbow to deter them. […]The post Majesco’s Romans From Mars Takes A Humorous Approach To Castle Defense [PAX 2013] appeared first on Cult of Mac. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/eUk8o0mmJ-0/story01.htm |