Title: Apple Highlights New Apple TV 6.0 'Touch Setup' Feature in Support Document Post by: HCK on September 26, 2013, 11:00:48 am Apple Highlights New Apple TV 6.0 'Touch Setup' Feature in Support Document
Apple today released a support document detailing a newly implemented Apple TV setup feature that was introduced last week with its Apple TV 6.0 software update. Users that have a third-generation Apple TV running the 6.0 software can use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7 to automatically transfer network settings, Apple ID information, and language preferences to the Apple TV, allowing for faster setup. The information exchange is done via Bluetooth by touching the iOS device to the Apple TV, taking advantage of the Bluetooth LE built into all Apple devices after the iPhone 4. Apple's support article includes a detailed list of instructions on the process:1. Connect your Apple TV to your television and power and wait until your Apple TV displays the setup screen. 2. Unlock your iOS 7 device and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. Also ensure that you are connected to the Wi-Fi network you want to use with Apple TV. 3. Touch your iOS device to your Apple TV and wait for the prompts to appear on your iOS device and Apple TV. 4. Enter your Apple ID and password on your iOS device. 5. Choose if you want Apple TV to remember your Apple ID password, and if you want Apple TV to send data to Apple. 6. Your Apple TV will start the configuration process, including connecting to your Wi-Fi network, activating Apple TV, and setting up your iTunes Store account.Prior to the implementation of the tap setup feature, entering Apple TV information was a tedious process that required connecting a Bluetooth keyboard or using the Apple TV remote to pick and choose letters. As noted by Apple, the transfer requires an iPhone 4s or later, a third-generation iPad or later, an iPad mini, or a fifth-generation iPod touch. The feature does not work with the iPhone 4 or the iPad 2. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Apple Launches Internal 'Employees on iTunes' Section to Highlight Workers' Talents • Apple Under Investigation by French Authorities Over Carrier Contracts • Instagram Updated for iOS 7 With Larger, Higher Resolution Images • Realmac Software Reverses Course, Reinstates Original 'Clear' App • 'Strava Run' Updated with Support for M7 'Motion Coprocessor' on iPhone 5s • Apple Retail News: New Munich Store Opening Saturday, Hong Kong IFC Mall Store Expansion Coming • Microsoft Retail Stores to Add iPhone to Trade-In Program, Offer at Least $200 • Roku Refreshes Set-Top Box Line with New Roku LT, Roku 1, and Roku 2 http://www.macrumors.com/2013/09/25/apple-highlights-new-apple-tv-6-0-automatic-setup-feature-in-support-document/ |