Title: Evernote’s New Post-It Camera Makes Your Stickies Searchable Post by: HCK on September 27, 2013, 11:00:06 am Evernote’s New Post-It Camera Makes Your Stickies Searchable
The Evernote iOS app has gotten another big update, barely a week after it was revamped for iOS 7 and made useful again. The news today is the new Post-It camera, which now lets you scan the yellow sticky squares right into your Evernotes. The integration is slick, built in to the existing camera. Now […]The post Evernote’s New Post-It Camera Makes Your Stickies Searchable appeared first on Cult of Mac. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/lHiH2SLxFOM/story01.htm |