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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on January 04, 2014, 02:00:16 pm

Title: The Week in Mac Apps: Get out of my hair
Post by: HCK on January 04, 2014, 02:00:16 pm
The Week in Mac Apps: Get out of my hair

<article class="slideshow"><figure class="slide"><figcaption>Get out of my hair</figcaption><img data-imageid="100221006" src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/00-intro-100221006-gallery.jpg" data-thumb-src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/00-intro-100221006-square.jpg" alt="00 intro"/><div class="slideBody"><p>This week's roundup brings you a rather shaggy (but great) way to organize your mind, a great HDR tool, a little something to help you keep an eye on your favorite cryptocurrency, and a few games to round out the holidays.</p></div></figure><figure class="slide"><figcaption>1Keyboard 1.2</figcaption><img data-imageid="100221014" src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/screen800x500-100221014-gallery.jpeg" data-thumb-src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/screen800x500-100221014-square.jpeg" alt="screen800x500"/><div class="slideBody"><p>If the onscreen keyboard provided by iOS devices isn't your cup of tea, developer Eyal Weiner's <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/id766939888?mt=12" target="_blank">1Keyboard[/url] allows you to use your Mac's keyboard as an input device for your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV instead.</p>
<p>Designed to work on OS X 10.6 or later, the app communicates with your devices via Bluetooth, and can even send media key combinations to them.</p></div></figure><figure class="slide"><figcaption>BigHairyGoal 1.3</figcaption><img data-imageid="100221007" src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/bighairygoal-100221007-gallery.jpeg" data-thumb-src="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2013/12/bighairygoal-100221007-square.jpeg" alt="bighairygoal"/><div class="slideBody"><p>It may not look like it from its name or icon, but Berbie Software's <a href="http://bighairygoal.com" target="_blank">BigHairyGoal[/url] (<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/id699877408?mt=12" target="_blank">Mac App Store Link[/url]) is a great way to organize your notes and documents using an intuitive visual interface.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2082302/the-week-in-mac-apps-get-out-of-my-hair.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>

Source: The Week in Mac Apps: Get out of my hair (http://www.macworld.com/article/2082302/the-week-in-mac-apps-get-out-of-my-hair.html#tk.rss_all)