Title: RSA Could Pay Dearly for $10M NSA Gig Post by: HCK on January 10, 2014, 02:00:19 pm RSA Could Pay Dearly for $10M NSA Gig
At least eight security experts who had signed up for the RSA 2014 security conference to be held Feb. 24-28 have publicly pulled out. They include F-Secure Chief Security Researcher Mikko Hypponen and Taia Global founder and CEO Jeffrey Carr, who is also founder of the Suits and Spooks conference. The departures are part of a backlash against the RSA's reported $10 million deal with the NSA. Source: RSA Could Pay Dearly for $10M NSA Gig (http://www.technewsworld.com/rsstory/79750.html) |