Title: Apple releases its 2014 Supplier Responsibility Report, and other news for Feb. 13, 2014 Post by: HCK on February 20, 2014, 02:00:14 pm Apple releases its 2014 Supplier Responsibility Report, and other news for Feb. 13, 2014
<!--CONTENT START--><p><img alt="Apple Factory" data-credit="kh" data-mep="125622" src="http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/725feb5bd961592c6829675d811b7f99/apple-factoryB.jpg" /></p> <p>Apple released its 2014 Supplier Responsibility Report (http://www.apple.com/supplier-responsibility/), which details how the company's suppliers are meeting Apple's guidelines for eradicating child labor, requiring reasonable working hours, offering adequate pay and meeting environmental standards.</p> <p>The report highlights progress made in securing tantalum, an important metal used in the manufacture of electronic equipment. Apple confirmed that its tantalum sources have been certified as being conflict-free.</p> <p>In other news:</p> <ul> <li>Rovio has announced a new version of Angry Birds with female characters. Angry Birds Stella (http://www.rovio.com/en/news/blog/463/angry-birds-stella-bffs-most-of-the-time/) will debut later this year.</li> <li>Pandora updated its iOS app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pandora-radio/id284035177?mt=8) with a new sleep timer feature for the iPad and support for push notifications.</li> <li>Apple applied for a patent (http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-adv.html&r=14&p=1&f=G&l=50&d=PG01&S1=(709%2F206.CCLS.+AND+20140213.PD.)&OS=ccl/709/206+and+pd/2/13/2014&RS=(CCL/709/206+AND+PD/20140213)) entitled "Disposable email address generation and mapping to a regular email account," which describes a method for curbing spam email. It uses a smart inbox system and disposable email accounts.</li> <li>Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside is leaving the company and joining Dropbox (http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/13/motorola-ceo-and-google-exec-dennis-woodside-to-join-dropbox-as-coo/) as Chief Operating Officer</li> </ul><p style="padding:5px;clear:both;">Apple releases its 2014 Supplier Responsibility Report, and other news for Feb. 13, 2014 (http://www.tuaw.com/2014/02/13/apple-releases-its-2014-supplier-responsibility-report-and-othe/) originally appeared on Breaking Apple News, Tips and Reviews from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (http://www.tuaw.com) on Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds (http://legal.aol.com/terms-of-service/full-terms/).<br style="clear:both;"></p><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6>Source (http://www.tuaw.com/tag/news-roundup) | <a href="http://www.tuaw.com/2014/02/13/apple-releases-its-2014-supplier-responsibility-report-and-othe/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent link to this entry">Permalink[/url] | <a href="http://www.tuaw.com/forward/20829171/" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this[/url] | <a href="http://www.tuaw.com/2014/02/13/apple-releases-its-2014-supplier-responsibility-report-and-othe/#comments" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments[/url] Source: Apple releases its 2014 Supplier Responsibility Report, and other news for Feb. 13, 2014 (http://www.tuaw.com/2014/02/13/apple-releases-its-2014-supplier-responsibility-report-and-othe/) |