Title: The Macalope: Discontributor network Post by: HCK on March 16, 2014, 02:00:19 pm The Macalope: Discontributor network
<article> <section class="page"> <p>There are many good questions that can be asked about Apple. We’re not going to look at any of those today, though.</p><p>Forbes contributor Lois Geller asks, “Why Doesn’t Apple Have A Real Loyalty Program?” (No link but tip o’ the antlers to @JonyIveParody (https://twitter.com/JonyIveParody/status/443109866077716480).)</p><p>Yeah, like a punch card! Buy ten Macs and get the eleventh Mac free. (Mac must be of equal or lesser value. One per customer. Void where prohibited by law.)</p><p>A better question would be “Why doesn’t the Forbes contributor network have a vetting process?”</p> url=http://www.macworld.com/article/2107080/the-macalope-discontributor-network.html#tk.rss_all]The Macalope: Discontributor network[/url] |