Title: Apple's stock split: Why 7 to 1? Post by: HCK on April 26, 2014, 02:00:01 pm Apple's stock split: Why 7 to 1?
The best reason I've heard is to make $100 per share the new all-time high. <p></p> <p>FORTUNE -- Apple's (AAPL) announcement Wednesday of its first stock split in more than nine years set off a round of fresh speculation about the company's possible entry into the Dow Jones Industrial Average.</p> <p>That's something a stock that trades in a $400-to-$700-per-share range has as much chance of doing as a camel has of going through the eye of a needle. This has been MORE (http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2014/04/24/apple-7-1-stock-split/)<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=tech.fortune.cnn.com&blog=8466345&post=140341&subd=fortunebrainstormtech&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/fortuneapple20/~4/W6KygKZEND8" height="1" width="1"/> Source: Apple's stock split: Why 7 to 1? (http://rss.cnn.com/~r/fortuneapple20/~3/W6KygKZEND8/http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2014/04/24/apple-7-1-stock-split/#commentshttp://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2014/04/24/apple-7-1-stock-split/feed/atom/) |