Title: Sony RX100 III compact camera adds pop-up viewfinder Post by: HCK on May 20, 2014, 02:00:15 pm Sony RX100 III compact camera adds pop-up viewfinder
<article> <section class="page"> <p> Sony is expanding its lineup of RX100 Cyber-shot cameras with a new addition that sports an electronic viewfinder.</p><p> The RX100 III is a compact digital camera designed for users who like to point and shoot without fussing with many settings.</p><p> The camera’s new features include a Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 24-70 mm F1.8-2.8 lens, which has a wider aperture that can take in about twice as much light as the preceding RX100 and RX100 II models when it’s at the 70 mm focal length.</p><p> The wider aperture allows for blurrier backgrounds when taking portrait shots with a shallow depth of field.</p><p> “The RX III has kept the pocket-size compact form factor but has more features including the new lens and the viewfinder,” a Sony spokesman said.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2156200/sony-rx100-iii-compact-camera-adds-popup-viewfinder.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: Sony RX100 III compact camera adds pop-up viewfinder (http://www.macworld.com/article/2156200/sony-rx100-iii-compact-camera-adds-popup-viewfinder.html#tk.rss_all) |