Title: Video: Here’s what iOS 7 looks like on a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 simulator Post by: HCK on May 20, 2014, 02:00:16 pm Video: Here’s what iOS 7 looks like on a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 simulator
It's looking more likely that Apple's iPhone 6 will have a 4.7-inch display with 1704 x 960 resolution. So what might that look like? Here's a side by side comparison of iOS 7 on a 4-inch and a 4.7-inch screen.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=gigaom.com&blog=14960843&post=842756&subd=gigaom2&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> Source: Video: Here’s what iOS 7 looks like on a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 simulator (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheAppleBlog/~3/6S6CJ_TqDJw/) |