Title: Tim Cook welcomes Beats to the Apple family Post by: HCK on August 03, 2014, 09:00:19 pm Tim Cook welcomes Beats to the Apple family
<article> <section class="page"> <p>It was just back in late May that Apple announced it was buying Beats Electronics and Beats Music, but on Friday, Apple CEO Tim Cook officially welcomed the company to the Apple family.</p><p>Cook posted a welcome message on Twitter (https://twitter.com/tim_cook/status/495219359145787392) and linked to a new splash page on Apple’s site that welcomes Beats into the fold:</p> url=http://www.macworld.com/article/2459933/tim-cook-welcomes-beats-to-the-apple-family.html#tk.rss_all]Tim Cook welcomes Beats to the Apple family[/url] |