Title: Apple Watch leans on the iPhone for app management and heavy lifting Post by: HCK on October 01, 2014, 03:00:22 pm Apple Watch leans on the iPhone for app management and heavy lifting
<article> <section class="page"> <p> A new hands-on report on the Apple Watch has revealed some new details ahead of the device's early 2015 launch.</p><p> Writing for A Blog to Watch (http://www.ablogtowatch.com/apple-watch-hands-on-review/), Ariel Adams says the Apple Watch (http://www.macworld.com/article/2604309/meet-apple-watch-the-new-apple-smartwatch-with-a-clever-new-navigation-scheme.html) will use a dedicated iPhone app to install watch apps, similar to other smartwatches. But more than just acting as a funnel for data, the iPhone will also kick in some computational muscle. By offloading certain processing tasks to the phone, the watch can preserve battery life.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2689362/apple-watch-leans-on-the-iphone-for-app-management-and-heavy-lifting.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: Apple Watch leans on the iPhone for app management and heavy lifting (http://www.macworld.com/article/2689362/apple-watch-leans-on-the-iphone-for-app-management-and-heavy-lifting.html#tk.rss_all) |