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iPhone/iPod/iPad Discussions => General => Topic started by: daviddvdd on August 03, 2010, 08:54:25 pm

Title: Ipad problem, helps
Post by: daviddvdd on August 03, 2010, 08:54:25 pm
my Ipad can not connect to public library internet, i do not know what kind of network is.  when i connect to the library's network, and a web like page pops up ask me for username and password, then i input them and click submit. then it does not respond. i tried several times, it won't work. however, i have an iphone with os4 in my hand, and tried the same network, it worked.  so please help me to solve this. thank u

Title: Re: Ipad problem, helps
Post by: bokz2 on August 03, 2010, 10:28:48 pm

iPad Wifi connection problem related to new iPhone OS?

Sorry I do not understand details.
Because I do not have a iPad.

Title: Re: Ipad problem, helps
Post by: Dornbrook on March 23, 2011, 08:11:33 am
my Ipad can not connect to public library internet, i do not know what kind of network is.  when i connect to the library's network,ipad 2 cases (http://www.DELETED/ipad-2-case-iPad2case-iPad-2-cases.html)
ipad2 leather case (http://www.DELETED/ipad-2-leather-cases.html)
iPad2 cases (http://www.DELETED/iPad2-cases-cheap-iPad2-cases-iPad2-case.html)and a web like page pops up ask me for username and password, then i input them and click submit. then it does not respond. i tried several times, it won't work. however, i have an iphone with os4 in my hand, and tried the same network, it worked.  so please help me to solve this. thank u

iPad Wifi connection problem related to new iPhone OS?

Title: Re: Ipad problem, helps
Post by: Rawling85 on July 26, 2011, 12:53:38 am
my Ipad can not connect to public library internet, i do not know what kind of network is.  when i connect to the library's network,ipad 2 cases (http://saraoutlet.com/apple-accessories/ipad/cases-skins.html)
ipad2 leather case
iPad2 cases and a web like page pops up ask me for username and password, then i input them and click submit. then it does not respond. i tried several times, it won't work. however, i have an iphone with os4 in my hand, and tried the same network, it worked.  so please help me to solve this. thank u

iPad Wifi connection problem related to new iPhone OS?

I don't use Ipad WiFi function but I use Vodafone and I am satisfied with its WiFi function.