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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on November 11, 2014, 03:00:25 pm

Title: Apple patent granted to geofence and track cellular dead zones from iPhones
Post by: HCK on November 11, 2014, 03:00:25 pm
Apple patent granted to geofence and track cellular dead zones from iPhones

First filed four years ago, Apple was granted a patent to track and geofence cellular dead zones, capturing the information in a crowdsourced database.<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheAppleBlog/~4/MsvmdaJs_GA" height="1" width="1"/>

Source: Apple patent granted to geofence and track cellular dead zones from iPhones (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheAppleBlog/~3/MsvmdaJs_GA/)