Title: BrandPost: Today's Hot Deals: HP Touchscreen PC for $549, Polk Audio Hinge headphones for $64.96, and more Post by: HCK on December 05, 2014, 03:00:18 pm BrandPost: Today's Hot Deals: HP Touchscreen PC for $549, Polk Audio Hinge headphones for $64.96, and more
As the stockpiles of leftover turkey and stuffing dwindle, the time to find gifts for friends and family is fast approaching. Get a head start on your holiday shopping with these great discounts on HP and Dell PCs, Soundfreaq headphones and Sony Blu-ray home theatre systems. Source: BrandPost: Today's Hot Deals: HP Touchscreen PC for $549, Polk Audio Hinge headphones for $64.96, and more (http://www.pcworld.com/article/2854993/todays-hot-deals-hp-touchscreen-pc-for-549-polk-audio-hinge-headphones-for-6496-and-more.html#tk.rss_all) |