On Jony Ive's return to day-to-day management of HI and ID at AppleJony Ive. Apple's Chief Design Officer, is returning to day-to-day management of the Human Interface and Industrial Design teams.
Mark Gurman, writing for Bloomberg:
Ive, 50, was named Apple's chief design officer in 2015 and subsequently handed off some day-to-day management responsibility while the iPhone maker was building its new Apple Park headquarters in Cupertino, California. "With the completion of Apple Park, Apple's design leaders and teams are again reporting directly to Jony Ive, who remains focused purely on design," Amy Bessette, a company spokeswoman, said Friday in a statement.
John Gruber, writing for Daring Fireball:
I can't decide if this is actually news. It was public knowledge that Ive was spending a lot (most?) of his time on Apple Park and other architectural projects (retail), but that obviously wasn't going to last forever.
In news in so far as Apple's official reporting structure changed to allow Ive the time to focus on Apple Park while Alan Dye...
On Jony Ive's return to day-to-day management of HI and ID at Apple