You don't have to get out and walk to play Wizards Unite — Here're our tipsSometimes, you just want to sit around and do nothing but play Wizards Unite. It takes some ingenuity, but we've done it and so can you!
Although Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is best when played while walking around with your mobile device. Not everyone can, or wants to get out and adventure the neighborhood around them, though. If you're feeling lazy, or are otherwise limited in mobility, here are our tips and tricks to playing Wizards Unite without having to be too active.
Activate Dark Detectors at Inns
In Wizards Unite, Dark Detectors can be deployed near Inns, which will lure Traces to you. You can place up to three Dark Detectors at once for 30 minutes. The more Dark Detectors that are added, the more powerful the Traces are that will appear.
Keep the game open all the time at home
When you're out on a walk, you'll be using cellular data to play the game, and if you've got limited data, you probably don't want to be out and about for too long. Plus, you might run down you...
You don't have to get out and walk to play Wizards Unite — Here're our tips