Apple pushes back against Spotify’s claim of unfair treatment in App StoreApple filed a strong response to Spotify's anticompetitive suit in Europe.
Apple is pushing back against Spotify's claim of unfair treatment in the App Store. The Cupertino company filed a response in an ongoing antitrust lawsuit case with the European Commission in which Spotify claimed Apple was charging it a 30% tax.
Quite to contrary says Apple according to German paper Der Spiegel, as Spotify does not pay that amount in tax, and in fact, only 680,000 (0.5%) of its customers pay the tax, and that'd be the lower 15% tax figure.
Apple has an in-app purchase tax for customers signing up for subscriptions. If they do it through the app, then companies like Spotify need to pay a 30% tax for the first year for those customers and then it drops to 15%. Spotify pulled out of the in-app purchase program back in 2016, which Apple claims is there reason that all Spotify customers who qualify for the in-app purchase program only pay 15%.
Apple and Spotify has been butting heads since the...
Apple pushes back against Spotify’s claim of unfair treatment in App Store