After Jony Ive: What's the future of design at Apple?Earlier this week, the news broke that Jony Ive is leaving Apple. He's creating his own company, LoveFrom. But, LoveFrom is taking on Apple as a primary client. To figure out what all that means for Apple now and going into the future, I sat down to chat with John Gruber from Daring Fireball and The Talk Show.
Rene Ritchie: Thanks for joining me John. So, what was your initial reaction to the news?
Gruber: I think it's eyewash. He's actually starting a company with Marc Newson. LoveFrom is a questionable name. I do think they're going to work together for many years to come. They've already worked together on a bunch of things, including bringing Marc Newson in to design a bunch of Apple Watch straps.
Including using his, to me, iconic design for the Sport Band, that little tuck-under thing. It really comes from, what was it called, the Ike-...
Rene: Ikepod, yeah.
Gruber: Ikepod watch that he designed years ago. They obviously just have a mutual affinity and respect for each...
After Jony Ive: What's the future of design at Apple?