Pandora Music updated with Dark Mode support and moreWhat you need to know
Pandora Music has been updated to take advantage of iOS 13 features.
Dark Mode is officially supported.
As is support for Siri on HomePod and CarPlay.
Use Siri from anywhere, too.
The popular music streaming service Pandora Music has received an update that arrives just in time for the launch of iOS 13 tomorrow. The update brings with it support for the new Dark Mode as well as additional Siri support.
Dark Mode is something users of iOS have been waiting for, and with iOS 13 landing tomorrow they're finally going to get it. Apps also need to be updated to make best use of it though, and Pandora Music is the latest to jump on board. According to the release notes users will be able to "focus on your music, not the screen" with the new feature enabled.
The update also brings support for "Hey Siri," with users able to ask for audio to be played via the Pandora Music app via their HomePod and Apple CarPlay, too.
Siri just got smarter. Now you can ask Siri t...
Pandora Music updated with Dark Mode support and more