EU states 'being completely held hostage by Google and Apple' says officialThe pair strongly rebuffed calls to support centralized contact tracing technology.
What you need to know
An EU official has said that Apple and Google are holding EU states hostage.
That's after they rebuffed calls from France and Germany to back their contact tracing solutions.
Apple and Google will not accommodate solutions that involve holding personal data on a central server.
An EU official has said that Apple and Google are holding EU states hostage after they rebuffed further calls to support contact tracing solutions offered by France and Germany.
As Reuters reports:
A standoff between the two largest nations in the European Union and Silicon Valley escalated on Friday as Apple and Google rebuffed demands by France and Germany to back their approach to using smartphone technology to trace coronavirus infections.
Countries are rushing to develop apps to assess the risk that one person can infect another with the coronavirus, helping to isolate those who could s...
EU states 'being completely held hostage by Google and Apple' says official