Apple Watch without a wall adapter: Environmental plus or consumer minus?Hermès and Titanium Apple Watch Series 6 models are not yet part of the environmental legacy.
Apple is one of the most proactive companies globally when it comes to doing its part to protect the environment. The company is already a carbon-neutral operation, and within 10 years, it hopes all of its products will be too.
One of the new ways it has chosen to do this is to begin shipping some of its most popular products without power bricks. This is a huge step in the right direction, especially when you consider that most folks don't need a new wall charger every time they buy a new electronics device. For a lot of people, a wall charger is another piece of plastic that will be thrown into a drawer, never to be used again. Or worse, thrown into the trash where it will end up in a landfill for thousands of years.
For months, we've heard Apple was planning to remove USB wall adapters from iPhone boxes, starting with the iPhone 12 series this fall. Because of COVID, the release of th...
Apple Watch without a wall adapter: Environmental plus or consumer minus?