Liene's 4x6 photo printer is a solid iPhone companionLet your creativity go wild with the Liene 4x6 photo printer
If you're anything like me, most of the iPhone pictures you take end up hurtling through the universe via iMessage or hanging out in Photos indefinitely. Because we tend to view photographs through the lens of social media, where every image is downsized and heavily filtered, it's easy to forget how good the iPhone camera really is.
If you're ready to step up your photography skills and share your artistic side with the world (or at least your grandmother), the Liene 4x6 photo printer is a reliable tool to have in your arsenal. Unlike some of today's best instant cameras, the nostalgic point-and-shoots of yesteryear that are a printer-camera combo in one, Liene works with your iPhone. You take pictures as you usually do, edit them in Photos or the Liene Photo app, then print them out. It's instant gratification and color photos. What's not to love?
As a photographer, Liene's printer intrigued me. I wanted to see how it s...
Liene's 4x6 photo printer is a solid iPhone companion