300-foot high Wallace & Gromit animation created on iPhone 16 on show at Apple’s UK campus<div class="feat-image">
</div><p><a href="
https://9to5mac.com/guides/aapl/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Apple[/url] has sponsored a 300-foot high Wallace & Gromit animation, which is being projected daily onto the walls and chimneys of Battersea Power Station, home to the company’s UK headquarters.</p>
<p>A set of eight iPhone 16 Pro Max models was used to create the 6,000-frame stop-motion animation, which will be on display every night until new year’s eve … </p>
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https://9to5mac.com/2024/12/02/300-foot-high-wallace-gromit-animation-created-on-iphone-16-on-show-at-apples-uk-campus/#more-980700" class="more-link">moreâ
300-foot high Wallace & Gromit animation created on iPhone 16 on show at Apple’s UK campus