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Author Topic: A four-pack of Apple AirTags is down to a record low of $70  (Read 76 times)
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« on: December 24, 2024, 04:05:05 pm »

A four-pack of Apple AirTags is down to a record low of $70

<p>Do you constantly lose stuff? Then we have a deal for you. A four-pack of Apple AirTag tracking chips is <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Amazon;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1" href=";siteId=us-engadget&amp;pageId=1p-autolink&amp;contentUuid=6af5c14b-76b7-4fb7-bdfa-3dca78cfc649&amp;featureId=text-link&amp;merchantName=Amazon&amp;custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL0FwcGxlLU1YNTQyTEwtQS1BaXJUYWctUGFjay9kcC9CMEQ1NEpaVEhZLz90YWc9Z2RndDBjLTIwIiwiY29udGVudFV1aWQiOiI2YWY1YzE0Yi03NmI3LTRmYjctYmRmYS0zZGNhNzhjZmM2NDkiLCJvcmlnaW5hbFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmFtYXpvbi5jb20vQXBwbGUtTVg1NDJMTC1BLUFpclRhZy1QYWNrL2RwL0IwRDU0SlpUSFkvIiwiZHluYW1pY0NlbnRyYWxUcmFja2luZ0lkIjp0cnVlLCJzaXRlSWQiOiJ1cy1lbmdhZGdldCIsInBhZ2VJZCI6IjFwLWF1dG9saW5rIiwiZmVhdHVyZUlkIjoidGV4dC1saW5rIn0&amp;signature=AQAAAf6izpdgN2nW1Oaxw6ricAZtUf40JKEDoHTfb-KH-Yyi&amp;" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link="">available via Amazon for just $70[/url]. This is a record low price and represents a discount of $30. That breaks down to $17.50 per tag.</p>
<p>Apple AirTags easily made our list of the <a data-i13n="cpos:2;pos:1" href="">best Bluetooth trackers[/url], and this is especially true if you’re already tied into the company’s ecosystem. The finding network is vast and comprehensive, which really helps when it comes time to actually find one of these tags. Just think of all of those AirTags, iPhones and other devices out there in the world helping to create this network.</p> <span id="end-legacy-contents"></span>
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<p>These trackers can also tap into the ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless protocol, which creates a sort of game out of finding a lost item in the home. As long as the object is within 25 feet of your smartphone, the screen will display directional arrows and a distance meter. This lets you zero in on the object without having to constantly ring the AirTag.</p>
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<p>Now onto the caveats. AirTags really only work with iPhones and other Apple devices, so Android users should keep shopping for something else. Also, the ringer only pings for seven seconds at a time, which can make finding something feel like a mad dash. Finally, there’s no attachment point for connecting to a keychain or a related accessory. Luckily, there are all kinds of <a data-i13n="cpos:3;pos:1" href="">amazing AirTag accessories[/url] to get that job done. One recent case even comes with batteries that will <a data-i13n="cpos:4;pos:1" href="">power the tag for a full decade[/url].</p>
<p>Follow <a data-i13n="cpos:5;pos:1" href="">@EngadgetDeals[/url] on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.</p>This article originally appeared on Engadget at

Source: A four-pack of Apple AirTags is down to a record low of $70
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