Hands on: GAMEBABY Case transforms your iPhone into a retro console with physical buttons<div class="feat-image">

</div><p>I was someone who <span style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">grew up with a Gameboy Color in my hands. I would play games like Pokemon, Ray-Man, and Super Mario until my fingers cramped. So, last year, when Apple opened the gates and allowed emulator apps like
Delta into the App Store</span>, I was all over it. It was awesome playing my old games on my iPhone. Although the app does a great job with haptic feed to mimic physical buttons, there is really nothing like the real thing. So when I saw the
GAMEBABY at CES this year, I knew I had to get my hands on it. </p>
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https://9to5mac.com/2025/02/01/hands-on-gamebaby-case-transforms-your-iphone-into-a-retro-console-with-physical-buttons/#more-988340" class="more-link">moreā
Hands on: GAMEBABY Case transforms your iPhone into a retro console with physical buttons