Quirky Promises Clever Tangle-Proof EarbudsIt’s a first-world problem to be sure, but that doesn’t make tangled headphone cords any less annoying. Wrapping them around your iDevice helps, but you’ll probably do it too tight and end up breaking the cables. And those reel-em-in hand-cranked spindles so beloved of Sony in the 1990s have disappeared, probably because they’re too much [...]Related StoriesApple Lists The Best Selling iPhone And iPad Apps Of All TimeAutistic Boy Gains A Voice At His Bar Mitzvah Thanks To His iPadApple Planning New Smart Cover For iPad 3, Sticking With Glass Back For iPhone 5 [Rumor]Please LEGO, Make This Miniature LEGO Apple Store A RealityWhat Siri Would Look Like In 3D [Gallery]